
Wednesday, August 26, 2020



Hello! I would like to preface this with you may think I am crazy, and I get it. I do. I won't be offended if you scroll by, but you may need to listen. 

A friend from school emailed me a question about fear. Being fearful in these unpresidential times. I have prayed and thought over this all day. I went tonight to my church (Cross Cut Church) and we are have studies on the Bible, dreams, prophets, etc. On my way home I began to think about what I would say to my friend. What can I say in a fearful time? Then , as I sometimes do, I prayed out loud and decided I was going to post to you all what I want to say to her. 

First, I wish I could hug you or her. There is nothing wrong with what you are feeling. It is what we do with these feelings that takes us to where we want to be.  

Second, I would ask if you are involved in a church body that is helping you grow and becoming a better YOU! Can you say that you are different today than a year ago (for the good.) When I thought about this it made me think of a treadmill. I used to own one. I would set the machine for how many miles I would run, start it up, and off I ran. But got no where. I never left my livingroom. That is what I am afraid many of us our doing in our places of worship. We run, and we go, amd get no where. Treadmill was not my favorite. I loved coming home from work, lacing up my shoes, and taking off out the door. I would run and run. See the leaves and breath in the fresh air. I GOT somewhere. Please, I am not saying you have to come to my church (although we would love to have you), but you must be in a growing, faith filled community where you are getting somewhere. Where you are changing. 

Fear is natural emotion when you feel your safety being questioned. In this world in the last year, we have gone through quite the ringer. But more is coming. The election and more. BUT God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love, of sound mind. That is easy to say when I am not in the grips of terror. I can tell you what I do. When I feel fearful, I say (Yes sometimes outloud) "In the mighty name, authority, and powerful Blood of Jesus my Savior, you are not allowed here!" The enemy is a liar and a deceiver. He plays mind games and can trick your mind and eyes. Yes, I feel fear, but I will not let it control me because I have power in the name of Jesus, authroity as a follower of Christ, and my sound mind will stop spinning worst case senerios and ask what I can do now. 

Something we read tonight really stuck in my mind. We  were reading some prophet's dreams, and one said that there was an explosion and a great chasm appeared. There is no middle ground. For too long, we have gotten away with "being a good person," "going to church onSundays or when it fits in my schedule,"  "being politically correct by letting my faith take a back seat." No more. There will be no middle ground. You will be secure on a strong foundation of Christ because you know Him. NOT know of Him, but know Him in a close, intimate relationship. or you end up on the other. A place of sorrow, death, and destruction.

Does this mean I think that I am going to be a-ok since I do have a reltionship with God, Who knows?? Because I have said it before and i will say it again- planet Earth is not my home. I am an ambassador of heaven passing through. Where I am heading Jesus will wipe away every tear from my eye. There will be no more sickness, sadness, grief. But no matter what happens on Nov. 3rd (election day) I am good because my Father is still on the throne. 

To my friend- to you all- I can't promise smooth sailing. I will prepare the best way I can. I have a plan, but to live or die is to be with the Lord. I will continue to pray and ask my Father for safety for me and my loved ones, I will continue to read His Word and plant my feet on those truths (hey, there is a bible verse for that), I will continue to gather with a faithful group of belivers, and I will be ready to minister in whatever away I am called.

We live in uncertain times but one thing I would bet the sun, moon, and all the stars on- God is still certain. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow and I can trust Him.

ps- Always feel free to message me with any questions or concerns and I will do my best to help in any way I can. May God bless you and keep you. 

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