
Sunday, December 19, 2021

A new adventure


Hello friends!

I know I have not written daily like originally planned, but still all season long I have been singing the little drummer boy and looking for ways to give to my Savior. The list could go on and on. The funny thing is, up until this year had you asked me about the song of the little drummer boy I would have put it certainly as one of the bottom. But this year, my eyes have been opened to this song like never before. I so want to "play my drum for him." 

I may not have much but whatever He did give me and bless me with I am going to use it for the Glory of God. Because truly when we get down to it, what else matters? I have a wall of quotes next to my bed. My newest one says this "Use me, God. Show me how to take who I am, who I want to be , and what I can do and use it for a purpose greater than myself. Use me for Your Glory Lord." That's what my heart's desire has become. 

As you know I have written 2 books, available on Amazon. You can order the real copy or on kindle. One is Ashes to Glory- a testimony of God's unwavering love for us and our journey through one of the darkest times of our lives. The second "When Jesus Shows Up- a different kind of bible study" is just that. A different kind of bible study. I make stories from the Bible characters and interweave my own experiences throughout. I recommend getting a real copy of that one because you can write in it. Nothing I like more than a bible study I can write in with my colored pens!

Now, I am entering some new territory. I am a lover of words and a reader to my soul. I am a writer because I believe words are the most powerful weapons we can ever possess. I love to write about my experiences and my faith. I still plan to get better at this and write more when God is leading me to. 

BUT NOW....I am trying something different. It could be a flop or it may be another way my writing can bring Glory to God. I am writing a fiction book. I am nervous. Sort of have the plot outlined but letting God lead me where He would like as I type. 

If you could, pray for me. I want to use my writing to show the love of the Father. Not for my own selfish ambition or gain, but that others may see Him through something I can share. After all, enough people shared in my own life and here I am. 

If you are interested, again my books can make some great Christmas (or New Year Resolution at this point) gifts. I will keep you updated on my fiction book. No title yet. I am on page 53 however. It's new and exciting to step into a new adventure. I just wish to follow wherever He leads. 

As we approach the Christmas Day, to celebrate when the tides of war changed and the Savior was born, I encourage you to find your own "drum." What has He given you that you can share. A talent, financial support, a kind word or hot meal to a grieving or struggling friend? What can we offer this Savior who gave all? We can give Him back was was always His in the first place. Us. Who He created us to be and what we can strive to become. 

The Bible tells us that His sheep recognize His voice and follow Him. They do not follow the voice of the one they don't know. I encourage you to find some quiet place and ask God to lay upon your heart what He has for you to do. He is so faithful. Blessings my friends. 

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