
Saturday, June 17, 2023

The Dance

I had a long car ride ahead of me, so I decided to look through some audio books and pick one to help pass the time. My passengers were teenagers so I knew they were much more interested in staring into the black abyss of their eye lids than having a chat with me. I have been a huge reader for as long as I can remember, but my genres seem to change in and out. Everybook I came across just didn't seem to cut it. I finally landed on a book called Franenstein by Dean Koontz. This book was a twist on the old story of the real monster that Dr. Frankenstein erected with some borrowed body parts and some electricity. However, the book picks up a couple of hundred years later, and the creator has found a way to not only stay alive, but also create even more intricately designed creatures for his master race. The "advanced" race is actually "born " out of a tank. Before they are "born" and readied for their assignment, they have had billions of mega bites of data downloaded into them. They may never have experienced World War II or a Steeler's football game, but all of that information has been downloaded. Just in case it becomes needed to fulfill their goal- whatever it is the master is breeding them for.

Although that idea would knock me out of a job, I thought how interesting that would be. To download experiences and knowledge. Think of the time saver! The mistakes that could never be made. The time saved it would have saved me on memorizing the periodic table alone! *sidenote- which I have never been asked a question regarding the periodic elements and if in the case I was, I would I would look it up.
It brought me back to my high school years sitting in youth group, and asking my leaders why it was so hard to figure out God's PLAN. Here I was at the end of my high school career and about to become an adult, and I had no idea where I was to be in 10 years. Much wiser than me, they explained about following Jesus step by step. Only enough light for the next step. That certainly was an afront to my type A personality. A step at a time. No, just no. I sighed and said "Maybe He could just send me an email." Everyone laughed. Meanwhile, I'm opening my email thinking "well God if you parted the red sea You could send me a quick note."
But, alas, no email came. What if....I could have all the Christian knowledge downloaded into me? The Bible, the great commentaries, insightful pastors, and more! I would know! According to my Bible dictionary, Bible "knowledge" covers a wide range of meanings such as intellectual understanding, personally experience, emotion, and personal relationship. Intellectual understanding I would have downloaded! But the rest, not so much.
Have you ever seen the meme where it say how you think your life will go and it is a straight diagonal arrow going up. Then on the other side it says how it really goes with a mess of ups and downs and sometimes a mess of squiggles. On a Social Media post today, I saw that a famous country singer had sung Garth Brooks famous song "The Dance" and she said how it had reignited with her.
As I listened, thoughts jumped around my head (as they often do). Maybe sometimes it is better not to know. You might just decided that the hurt is not worth the cost. But maybe that cost is what brings light to another. There are personal experiences, many personal experiences, that I would have loved to jump over. Then could I walk alongside of those traveling on the same road? Could I share the pain, the suffering, the learning, and sometimes beauty?
The chorus of the song "Our lives are better left to chance, I could have missed the pain, but I would have to miss the dance." My life is not up to chance. God knows every hair on my head and every ridiculous plan I ever had. He knows what I do before I do! As I walk just one day at a time with Him, I get to dance. Sometimes its a dance of leaping for joy, or perhaps one of mourning and sorrow. I know every step I take is moving me into the person I was created to be. As long as I keep my vision fixed on the Author and Perfecter of my faith.
It also says in the song that had I known the way it all would end - I might have changed it all. That's why I can't know ahead. Because the path is not always roses and rainbows, but it is purposeful. It is planned. When I finally meet my end, I know every high and every low will be worth it. It is worth it to me, perhaps for someone, for the Kingdom, but it will all be worth it for Jesus. Because what a dance life is. And Jesus, no one would I rather be dancing with than you.

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