
Friday, November 6, 2020

That is not my name!


"That's not my name!" my 6 year old bright blue eyes Bella stomped. "My name is a B! and I don't know that that is but it is not a B!" "It us an "I" and and tyes that is your name. Your real name is Isabella Noel Demi, and your kindergarten teacher would like you to write Isabella on your work."  "What's your real name?" the flaming hair little girl asked. "Theresa." "So how come you get to write the name people call you, but I have to to write a name I never even heard before and pretend it is me?" "Becuase sometimes people have nicknames. Like Will is really William and Luke is really Lucas." "Well, I am really Bella and you can tell my teacher that."

My girls were born firecrackers. The true problem she had with the whole thing is that Isabella is longer than Bella. However, now she is 11 and writes Bella anyway so what did it matter?

I have been thinking about a lot of BIG questions lately. Reading some big books and pondering if what I believe it lining up with who I portray myself to be. When teaching my 2nd graders about different ways to write numbers I give them teh eample of my name. I am Theresa, mom, wife, sister, teacher, friend...and the list goes on. But it is still me. Just like 673 is 5 hundreds 7 tens and 3 ones.

But that isn't exactly the whole truth. Because all of those names are in a sense different people. I am who I need to be in that moment in time. At one time or another (or every flipping moment in my case) you wondering if you are enough. Am I enough? 

Can I ever be enough? No. I am just going to tell you. No. You will never be enough. You can read wvwey self help book, listening to relaxing music, chant mantras about being a warrior. You will be never be enough on your own because you were never created to be enough.

From Knight's Tale. Excellent movie by the way. You will never be enough because you were never created to stand alone. The empty feeling. Yeah. The feeling of "I am tryign and it is never enough?" Yep. 

Colossians 1:16 

For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.

You were created by God and FOR God. And He has some awesome plans for you!

My sister Patty is leading a Book Club on Allie Beth Stuchey called "You're not enough (and that's ok). Not all the details are worked out but if you would like to join in shoot me a message and I can can give you her info. Or message her- Pattty Sponsy Miller. 

You were created for more. 

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