
Tuesday, March 19, 2019

something NEW

Sometimes we make things harder on ourselves than it really has to be. Take exhibit A. Nick has requested a water bottle, black electrical tape, scissors, a few cardboard paper plates. Although my presence was requested, I was not allowed to offer insights or ideas. He had the plan! I was the grunt work.

He cut, measured, and taped. Finally, he asked me to tape the last side in place. I was actually quite impressed with how well he did lining things up and taping. After I secured the last wall, he walked over to the sink. "Whoa! What are you doing?" Nick- "I am putting water in it." "Why? You know that the walls are cardboard. It is going to leak." Nick- "No it won't." long must it take for my children to learn that mom is ALWAYS right? Well, Rachel is on 13 years and counting so we will see with that one. 
As no surprise to anyone over the age of 6, he began to put water in, and it started to leak. I may or may not have channeled my inner 6 year old and said, "I told you so." His eyebrows drew together, his lips pursed tight, and suddenly, his eyes widen and he exclaims, "I got it!" I ask him, "what are you doing Nick?" He holds up one finger and begins to unwind the black electrical tape. he wrapped it around and around the sides. "The water won't get through the tape! 

 Once or twice the tape got tangled, but he pretty much was inventor and creator here. Finally he takes it over to the sink, fills it with water....and it hold. I asked, "So what did you make?" Nick- "A water bottle." "Wait, what? Time Out. You cut apart an actual water bottle, built your own walls out of paper plate, then coated it in black electrical tape to make a water bottle like the one you started with.?" Nick looks taken aghast. "No, This one is better. I call it the water bottle machine! Me- "So its a water bottle where the only difference is that the water drunk out of that tastes like cardboard with a refreshing electrical tape aftertaste?
Nick- "No its better!"
I find the irony in the universe that his shirt currently says "Genius Like Mom"

Perhaps if we can secure the patent, it may be ready for production soon. 

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