As he said to Esther, “For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14).
I am not a fan of commercials on the internet. Especially when the same one plays over and over. There is this one that in the beginning it says "so you ever wish you could go back in time..." and then it gives me the option to skip so I have no idea what they are selling. Life lesson- say it in the first 10 seconds or its not important.
Everytime that commercial comes on I answer out loud- NO. I belong to team everything brought me to where I am for a reason so good or bad I wouldn't change it. I got my school picture on Friday (year 16 of teaching!) and I turned around to another picture I have hanging behind my desk. My very own first grade picture from 1986. You heard that youngins'. That's the 1900's. Every year, I swear, the children's eyes get bigger and bigger when I tell them my year of birth. This year a sweet little one asked if we had paper back then. SO....ADORABLE.
I wish I could tell you the amount of time I have spent staring at these pictures side by side. I guess it's because I am a very "introspective" person. Here is the fancy google definition- "someone who spends a significant amount of time examining their own thoughts, feelings, and motivations or looking inward to become better." I just say I think about thinking too much. I just couldn't stopping staring into the eyes of that little 6 year old. I keep the picture there for a couple of reasons.
1- It helps me keep my job in the proper perspective. I am not just teaching children. I am teaching SOMEONE'S CHILD. Their world. Each child should be treated accordingly.
2 One of my sweet ones was having a rough day in which turn causes me to have a rough day. One of my little girls asked if I could tie her shoe. Of course. She said "you look like you are having a bad day?" I said "No. Somedays are just a little harder." "She said I think it is because of XXXX." I answered, "Lots of things are going on today and we need to just keep smiling." This sweet little angel said "I think XXX is that way because that was the way God wanted them to be." I literally teared up. Yes- God makes us all perfectly the way we are. Even if we don't fit into the perfect mold. I whispered "thank-you" to her and she danced away. I doubt she will ever know how much that changed me.
3. I was thinking to myself, if you had the chance, to go back in time (entering my husband's interest zone here), what would I say to her? If I could tell her one thing? She is only 6. A whole lot of the world is going to come hurling at her and she doesn't know it. So I stared.
I think I have finally decided what I would say to this precious one as I gave her a huge hug. "Hold on to Jesus. No matter what. Hold on."
I have been a follower of Christ for decades but not always the most faithful. I am certainly not a baby Christian but had I held on the whole time, how much father would I be then?
It had me turn to the book of Esther. The story we all know that says "a time such as this?" BUT as the reading of the Bible always does, I learned something new just by reading the first half of the verse. The Jews would be delivered. Make no doubt that God is sovereign and although we like to think we have some control on this spinning sphere, He is the only with the plan. He certainly could have saved them in some cosmic miracle. He had before. But I have noticed something about God. Of course He could, BUT often times he leads humans to take the reigns. To be part of the mission and plan.
God is so faithful. When He gives me the opportunity to serve Him, it isn't so this thing can finally get done BUT it is so Theresa can be blessed and learn something along the way. How many times I have came away from serving or speaking or loving like Jesus, and it was ME who was ministered to all along. I learn to love better, seeing people in a softer light, or even know that God sees ME.
I don't want to miss my opportunity. God is going to get the work done no doubt. I would be honored beyond measure if He used me in the plan to bring about His goal of bringing spiritually lost people HOME- into a relationship with Him. Every day. More of Him. Less of me.
So....little girl hold on to Jesus. Earthquakes will come that shake your entire world. Floods will come where you think you will never see dry ground again. There will be more than a few times, for whatever reason. you just want to let go and give up. Take the easier path for once.
Don't. Keep holding on to His hand. To His Word. His Spirit will go before you and beside you and behind you. He loves you so much. He SEES you. He told me that Himself. I can't promise perfection sweet girl or even comfort, but what I can promise is that if you keep holding on to that hand, in the end- it is all going to turn out just right. Better than perfect.
When I looked back at that sweet little girl in the dress and crooked bangs, I think if she had a chance to tell me something it would be the same exact message.
Hold on to Jesus. Just keep holding on.