
Monday, June 11, 2018

Day 1

Day 1

I am awakened by the shrieking and piercing hounds of hell. Or my alarm clock that I forgot to turn off. Even thought that first shriek was hitting hard….how sweet did it feel to shut off the alarm and lay back down. I don’t go over my strategy for the day or wonder how I am going to fit it all in. I am OFF  **CUES THOSE BABY ANGELS**  Every time a teachers reaches summer break, an angel gets its wings. Wrong movie? Wrong book? I think this makes sense cause these Angels are going to need some serious wings to chase these kids. I know. I chased them for 8 months!

Here in our little world we like to play a game called who can sleep the longest. Here is how it works. You wake up, you go back to sleep. First one out of bed loses, The first day of summer Looser.  Always good to start the first day of summer with extra sleep for us and tears for the little ones who physically must jump up because “THE SUN MOMMY!!!!!”

What did our first day of summer look like? Me sweeping down the steps and Scott making eggs and bacon. Running down to mom’s to hold angel face Wes, and then ordered pizza cause….first day of summer and all. Then we go back down to Grammy’s for the kids to continue to play outside until I have to call it. Street lights are on and time to roll.

I only thought about school 3 times and have ALREADY LOST TRACK OF WHAT DAY OF THE WEEK IT IS.

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