Storytime with me!- I know. Your favorite! may think (or know if we are really good friends) that I am crazy. Depending on the topic, you may be right on the mark BUT GOD....there are things I KNOW.
I KNOW He communicates with His people.
I KNOW I am one of His people.
If you read my book, Gripped By Grace (and if not get yo' butt over to Amazon to order it!) You will see a chapter called Tootsie Pops. I won't spoil the chapter but basically God and I have a connection about tootsie pops. And the color yellow....but I digress....
I was having a rough day. Normally, I would pout and worry, but I thought ya know what? Not today. So I looked up scripture, slipped it in my shoe, got busy about being grateful for the so much more I have in my life.
At the end of the day, my star student brought in a treat to share with his classmates. I know- I've told you- who gets to hang with their besties all day and get a treat?? The best! And what does this sweet little doesn't even know he is a walking miracle pull out of his bookbag. A BAG OF THESE BABIES.
Again, IF YOU READ MY BOOK - IYKYK. He handed me one and my thank you may have been a little choked up. I mean seriously...what are the odds. Astronomical if you are interested. Insane. Coincidence some might INCORRECTLY say. There are no coincidences. It is ALWAYS God. It's just too perfect. OUR candy on a day I really, really needed to hear from my Father.
My family calls these God winks. The little ways where God says hello. I'm here. I'm working for you. I'm in your corner. YOU HAVE ME!!!
This isn't about church on Sunday (although yes you should be there) or Wednesday night prayer (although yes you should be there). This is about the LIVING AND MIGHTY AND INVOLVED GOD OF THE UNIVERSE caring about little ol'me enough to send me a bag of tootsie pops. Ok- not the whole bag. We shared.
He does these things. When you are looking, you see Him in the living.
Also, a sweet girl at church came up to me a couple months ago and said "so we have been learning about prophecy...". She said "I was praying for you and I saw a red Lolli-pop and maybe that makes more sense to you than me and I am new at this..... " I hugged her and thanked her for being faithful in coming to me and telling me what God said to her....even if she felt silly. I wrote it down in my special green notebook I have (yes, Bethany) to write down all of my "this is for sure a God message" things. I wasn't quite sure what the red lolli-pop meant either, and honestly had forgotten all about it. Until I started to re-edit my book for the re-launch which I JUST did. Then when these little beauties showed up.
AND didn't Pastor Thomas preach on prophecy yesterday which jogged my memory to last time. Well, WELL. God calmed and reassured me with a red lollipop- IYKYK. Great call girlfriend! You are doing it!! Keep it up!
Now, the rest of ya! Enough of this tomfoolery and get yourself to church. Sunday morning at 10:30 - Kinport Assemby of God.
If you ever want to meet up for coffee....or tootsie pops, I'm game!