
Thursday, February 27, 2025

Monday, February 24, 2025



Guysssss......THIS. If you have not found your tribe PLEASE come join ours at Kinport Assembly of God. Cause I can gar-on-tee I got friends there that would be ripping through that roof quicker than a blink of an eye. I would be all "guys maybe we can co.e back later" and I can picture my ladies all ready with the ropes in hand and loading me up while the other are looking down- from the roof- cause they already got my hole dug to lower me down.  

Get yourself some people who will tear off the roof to get you to Jesus. You gonna need them. <3 

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Dandelion Perspective (#throwbackthursday)

******REPOST FROM AUGUST 27, 2012***************** 

Last evening at the dinner table..

Luke- "Everyone has computers."
Scott- "Not everyone. Ya know when I was a kid, no one had a computer."
Rachel- "What did you do?"
Theresa- "Play outside like normal little kids."
Will- "I have heard of this. Ya know, I heard somewhere, back in the olden days, like in 1991, they didn't have computers. I heard you had to use sticks to count with in school."
Theresa- "Will! I had more than sticks to count with in school, and 1991 is not the olden days."
Will- "How about 1990. That was defiantly the olden days."

A little perspective goes a long way. In Will's mind, I am sure 1990 seems like an eternity away. After all, to him Christmas was another lifetime. But to me, 1990 is barley yesterday. I can bring up memories of elementary school, playing on the Bakerton ball field, and fishing with friends. The olden days? I think not.

Have you ever heard "it is all in how you look at it?" Of course it is. Let me give you one of my favorite example. One in which my age isn't being trampled into the ground!

The dandelion. I have always loved this flower. As a kid I would dance through the yard, gathering up as many as I can find. It was a good day when the dandelions had shed their yellow and became the wishing flower. A white puff of dreams blown into the wind. The more flowers I found, the more wishes there were. I know now as an adult I should hate the dandelion. It is a symbol of an unkept lawn. A weed if you will. As I walked through the store the other day, bags of dandelion killer were everywhere.
But I can't help it. I still love dandelions. I love the bright yellow scattered over a sea of green. I love it when my little ones bring me fist fulls of sunshine. I love watching them puff their little cheeks and blowing the whiskers to Santa. It is all a matter of perspective.

You know one of the things I love about Jesus. Really probably in my top 5. His different perspective of things. He never quite saw things the way others did. While other people looked on the religious leaders of the day with reverence and awe, Jesus saw a pit of vipers. When woman and children were seen as more of a nuisance and an inconvenience at best, Jesus saw the future and a hope. They saw a poor woman with a useless offering. He saw a mountain of faith. They saw sinners and scoundrels while he saw pain, sickness, and agony in need of a Healer. He saw purpose.

Jesus's perspective wasn't by far the popular one. He never would have won an election. Heck, they were shouting for his death a week after his praises. He wasn't about swaying popular opinion. He looked beyond the surface and saw what was hidden. He had the perspective of God.

Every day I need to pray for that perspective. Trials and hardships can weigh on the heart. Changes in plans can be seen as deal breakers. Sometimes if we take the time to step back and really look closely, we can see these times as opportunities for growth. I also need to stop trying to see things from the popular perspective. Or the way everyone else is looking at it. I need to see beauty where I once saw a field of useless weeds. Because really, things are all in how you look at it.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Worship Wednesday




is the silent cry of your heart in a crowded room where there's everywhere for you to go and nowhere for you to be

is found in silence because words are noise and quietness is peace

is breathing in the goodness and the darkness, the wholeness and the brokenness, and exhaling the truth

 is peace battling chaos and security found in the war

is reaching out your hand when you can't lift up your arms

Is the gratitude of you heart in the face of mercy

 is the song of grace in the security of your pardon

is saying I trust you in the dark because where you go I will follow

 is fighting my way through another day and closing my eyes with the security of You over top of me

Worship is my everything

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Monday, February 17, 2025

You don't have TIME

 I am cheating.

But just a little. 

This is a picture from Last Monday but I have been wanting to writing about it and it DID happen on a Monday...just not this Monday.

So I am cheating...but just a little. 

I ran out of gas. I know, I know. You are shocked. Which is OBVIOUSLY sarcasm because if you have known me for more than 12 seconds you know I am a mess.  A well-intentioned mess. A caring mess. A dedicated mess. But a mess just the same. To quote one of my brilliant part angel first graders "That's just the way God made me."

I knew I needed gas on SUNDAY. But it was cold and I thought oh, later. Well, Monday morning rolled around and we were a smidge early. I thought that I would maybe get gas and then drop off the kids to school before head to my own work 

Naw, I'll let them be a little early for once. I took them to school and dropped them off. Then I was THINKING. I was thinking about school and what was going on in the day, then about my other job at HandR, and then I was THINKING about after all that I had to submit my son's shout outs for the upcoming school play. I thought the whole way to the highway. 

Then my car started to chug. SUPER. Garage work was not on the list of things I was looking to do....AND THEN I REMEMBERED. 

I was supposed to get gas.....

I was so close. Just 2 more miles...You can do it car!

Well, obviously, I didn't make it. 

February, Freezing cold. I made the brilliant decision that I was going to walk to school. After all it was only 2 miles. P.S.- I tried calling my husband who did not answer his phone, so I walked. 

****Obviously this was a terrible idea. Don't ever get out of your car and try and walk on a highway. Especially in the "someone can slide right into you" winter. But, in true Theresa form I walked. 

Because Jesus loves me, a car pulled over not 6 steps from when I started walking. A beautiful soul offered to drive me. Which I greatly appreciated. Again, though- please don't just be getting in random strangers' cars. But  I digress...

Don't we all do this? I don't mean always run out of gas, which yes my 17 year old son gave me quite the lecture on, but I mean think we will do it later. We have more time. 

The honest to goodness truth is maybe we will.....or maybe we won't.

Psalms 90:12 says "Teach us to number our days, that we may have a heart of wisdom."

1 Thessalonians 5:2  for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night."

Your end....or  Jesus sooner than you think. We push off the important things- the ETERNAL things, thinking we have more time. If I had to guess the number one statement at death, a good guess would be "I thought I had more time."


Start making time for the eternal. Get yourself right with God. take your family to church. Share the reason why you have the faith you have. Because you so not know the hour my friends. You don't have time. 

We at Kinport Assembly of God would be thrilled for you to come and join us and welcome you as part of the family. No judgement. No requirement. Just come. 10:30 on Sundays. 

We make time for what's important to us. It's now time for you to stop thinking you have more time. Our lives are but a vapor. But we ALL will have an eternity. What is yours going to look like?

Also, when your car is on 1/4 of a tank get gas. Even if it is cold, and yucky and you don't want to- Luke Demi

#mindfulmonday   #motivationalmonday