
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Nick- Part 1

     Friday night, June 22nd, I started having contractions. I was actually excited. Pain?? Yes!! But by 11:30 everything had stopped. Off and on I had contractions through the weekend. Certainly my appointment on Monday would show progress! As I lay back on the table waiting for Dr. McCoy to give me some pretty good news, he declares “one. But his head is down very nicely.” A one?? One centimeter?? All of these contractions and all I have to show is one centimeter? So as Dr. M helps me up, he asks me if there is anything I need. “Nope,” I grunt. “No one is pregnant forever right?” “Right,” he laughs. “One of these days. And if I just keep saying one of these days, soon I will be right.” Then he chuckles. This is why women go to women gynecologists. Funny man that Dr. M.

     I send a text to my husband and call my mom. “Yes, one centimeter. Just one. Yes, REALLY.” I pick up my kids, and we head home. I am still having off and on contractions that seem to mock me. Super. I get the pain but no progress. The next day I began to pack for camp. By golly if there wasn’t going to be a baby, I was going to distract myself.

     I had Bible Study this evening, so I packed up the kids to go stay with my mom until Scott could pick them up after work. As we drove to the study, I was noticing that the pain was a little stronger. “Yeah, right. Maybe I am a 2 by now.” Bible study was wonderfully distracting. However, I did look down at my watch twice with a very strong wrap around in my back.

     As I headed home, it occurred to me that perhaps I should start timing these stronger ones. By the time I pulled into my mom’s house, which was where Scott and the kids still were, I was almost panicked. I was really having some pain. And it was close. And I was scared. This is what I wanted right? Suddenly I changed my mind. I was NOT ready to have a baby tonight. I wanted to go home and go to bed. Give me more time. I yelled up the stairs at my mom’s begging Scott to go. I had to get home and had to lay down. If I could just lay down my contractions would stop and I could go to sleep. As we were heading home, I realized something. I looked at Scott and said “Maybe my mom should have come with us….”

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